Category: Uncategorized

Equine and Working Animals Clinic

There are an estimated 325,000 working horses in Nicaragua and the vast majority of these horses are in great need of accessible veterinary care.  As most of us know, Nicaragua is one of the poorest countries in the Western Hemisphere. Life can be a daily struggle for many of Nicaragua’s working animals who face unimaginable […]

Animal Welfare Projects during the Pandemic

Over the last few months, as we find ourselves amidst a pandemic, our nonprofit, like many others, are experiencing a significant decline in donations. Our partners’ needs in Nicaragua are intensifying due to COVID.  Our support is needed more than ever right now. Our support offers critical assistance to our shared mission in serving domestic […]

Feeding the Future – Our Co-sponsored school in Jicaro

Like so many at-risk and vulnerable families around the globe, the families of our sponsored-school community have been left reeling due to the effects of COVID-19.  These families face paralyzing fears of leaving their isolated community seeking basic essentials like food and medicines.  Seeking these needs outside of the community would increase their risk of […]

Thank you In-Kind Donors

I am so grateful to some really incredible friends and humans who have volunteered their invaluable knowledge and services to help NicaLove not only become an official nonprofit with all the bells and whistles, but also who have allowed me the time to focus my energy on my strengths and where I am needed most. […]

Community Projects

Community is a word that is used to describe a group of people having similar interests; a group of people living in one location; residents of one nation, one state, one town, one village and so on. Community is most often used to describe a population of people but it can also be used to […]

Rescue and Rehabilitation – Flaco

Flaco was an emaciated, broken-spirited dog with torn up ears living on the streets of San Diego, Nicaragua, and he is the reason why NicaLove was founded. He awoke something in me, something powerful, something called to action and something that grew bigger than I ever imagined. We began visiting Nicaragua as a family back […]

Sterilization and Wellness Clinic – Villa Guadalupe

Creating lasting and impactful changes in a community where there is little hope for the animals, veterinary assistance and limited access to veterinary care was our primary goal when we arrived at Villa Guadalupe, Nicaragua.  When we heard our veterinary partner, Aprovet, was hoping to collaborate with an organization to host a much needed clinic […]