By Kristin Kniehl
Nina is a sassy four year old girl that knows how to smile for the cameras. Rescued by Fundacion ADAN in November 2019, Nina climbed her way to stardom and a forever home in February 2021.
Nina’s fame started when NicaLove founder’s daughter, Natalia, pleaded for the chance to foster Nina. Natalia’s heart throbbed after a few visits to Fundacion ADAN’s shelter in Managua. Nina had likely been hit by a car. She was found on the side of the road with severe head, jaw, and hip injuries. Emaciated due to parasites, Nina also had mange and distemper. The family couldn’t resist Nina’s crooked little snout and missing teeth. They made a promise to each other to get that girl’s smile back in action during their three-month stint in Nicaragua.
After healing from her injuries, like a tiny strobe light Nina lit up the scene. Shaking her booty all over town (literally shaking it due to a neurological side-effect of distemper), stepping out sideways with her crookedly healed hips, Nina caused a stir and everyone around her loved every single minute of it. Animated, quirky, adorable, and entertaining. And just like that, a star was born.
Fame began when Nina was invited to appear on a live interview with Nicaraguan Vos TV 14 alongside her rescuer Elisa from Fundacion ADAN (Nina did the shaking while Elisa did the talking). Shortly after, Nina was featured on Radioactive 101.1FM. Nina attended several adoption fairs, stirring up buzz with the glitz and glam of her personality, and eventually landed a steady gig on her very own Instagram page. Who’s that girl? People around the world wanted to know. But due to travel restrictions out of Nicaragua, Nina had to wait for her best fit family within the country. It didn’t take long for Nina’s star to shine in the hearts of two of her followers.
While the paparazzi has calmed, Nina is enjoying a quieter version of fame in her new family’s Managuan home. Her mom and dad care for her, spoil her, and adore her. She’s the star of the household even though she makes a mess when she eats. Some say it’s because of the old jaw injury combined with Nina’s shakes. But let’s be honest: it’s because she’s a diva.