Updates on our new shelter!

The groundwork for our NicaLove animal shelter has OFFICIALLY begun!

This past January, with the assistance of Managua architecture firm, 1.618 Arquitectura, we initiated the site layout and building plans for our new shelter! In collaboration with Fundación ADAN and Arquitectura 1.618 owner, Boris Guevara – who has graciously donated his time and expertise to assist us – our dreams are becoming a reality! The plans for the NicaLove animal shelter are in their final stages of completion, and we are anticipating the day we can share our vision with you!

With the help of a local friend and jack-of-all-trades, Kelly McInturff, we began the work on the road to our shelter. Using a topographical map and his knowledge of the land, we found the perfect location for the shelter. Kelly and his crew brought in ten loads of gravel to ensure we had a durable road to prevent future washouts during the rainy season. In an attempt to prevent future damage to the road, a concrete culvert and bridge were constructed for the low area of the property to allow for the natural flow of heavy rain. A HUGE thank you to Kelly and his crew for their help! 

The Pilpo Well Company visited the property in search of a location with an abundance of natural water. The shelter plan includes a 200-foot well to ensure we will always have access to clean water. During this phase of construction, the subterraneous portion of the well will be drilled. It’s is set to be completed by May 1, 2021. In the near future, the tower structure, pump system, and water storage (tanks) containers will be added.

We have water!!
The well company began drilling on April 30th and finished on May 1st! Without complications, they reached 200 feet, securing our water for years to come. At capacity, our shelter will house 400 animals, so access to an abundance of fresh water is crucial. Our water tower is equipped to hold 800 gallons of water, and we will have reserve tanks on the property due as well to frequent power outages. 

In preparation for the rainy season, debris, fallen trees, and invasive plants are being removed from the property. After the rainy season begins, we will plant trees and native plants to use in the future. The road to the shelter will be lined with coconut trees, (and other areas filled with) fast-growing shade and fruit trees, and grasses to feed our equine rescues. 

The completion of Phase 1 will include housing for our animal caretaker, a shelter and fenced in area for our first 40 dogs, the completion of our well tower, and electricity.

Fundraising for Phase 2 has begun. Soon, we will be revealing events and opportunities to sponsor, partner, or fundraise alongside NicaLove!

We know that with your help spreading the word, NicaLove will continue on its amazing journey of saving domestic and working animals in need, now and in the years to come. Stay tuned!